Make the most of culinary herbs and spices.
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Basic Guidelines for Seasoning with Herbs and Spices
by Sandra Bowens
Here's one that's full of our favorite recipes because we wrote the book! It is also full of information, helpful hints and ideas for using herbs and spices in your kitchen.
The most frequent request to this website's mailbox is for guidelines about what herbs and spices go best with what foods. Finally, the basics are here at your fingertips.
There are no rules to seasoning but the following list may introduce you to the common uses for herbs and spices you are not familiar with. Some seasonings are much stronger than others so try starting with small amounts, then taste and add more if desired.
Be sure to check out each "All About…" story on the Articles List for more detailed information about particular seasonings
Allspice: hearty meats, fruit desserts
Basil: tomatoes, pesto, salads
Bay Leaves: soups and stews, grilled meats
Caraway Seeds: breads, cabbage, carrots, potatoes
Celery Seeds: tomatoes, salads
Chives: salads, vegetables, potatoes, eggs
Cinnamon: baked goods, fruits, beverages
Cloves: baked goods, hearty meats
Coriander: Mexican dishes, soups
Cumin: Mexican dishes, meats, cheese, beans
Dill Weed and Seed: vegetables, salads and dressings, eggs
Fennel: sausage, fish
Ginger: baked goods, Asian dishes, vegetables
Marjoram: meats, Italian dishes, vegetables
Mint: beverages, meats, desserts
Mustard: fish, eggs, cheese, meats, sauces
Nutmeg: baked goods, spinach, dairy products
Oregano: Italian dishes, meats, tomatoes
Paprika: Spanish dishes, potatoes, meats
Parsley: salads, soups, meats, fish
Pepper: meats, soups and stews, nearly everything
Poppy Seeds: baked goods, noodles, salad dressings
Rosemary: chicken, potatoes
Saffron: rice, seafood
Sage: poultry, pork, stuffings
Savory: beans, cheese, eggs
Sesame Seeds: baked goods, Asian dishes, cheese
Tarragon: chicken, salads, seafood
Thyme: meats, soups and stews, vegetables
Vanilla: baked goods, beverages
This is no cookbook but a serious look at spice history, cultivation and use.